Faith’s Flow

Faith instructs us in the depths of God. Faith stands above any human system, no matter how valid; it is concerned with the revealed data, with that glory which cannot be named by any human name, yet has desired to make itself known to us in words which all may understand.
~Jacques Maritain (1882-1973)

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’
~ John 7:38

Oh beloved, how often do we begin to think that our faith depends on us!?!?  That somehow, if we just have enough faith, something good will happen – or something bad will not happen.  

We think, but without faith it is impossible to please God!  And this is eminently true.  Absolutely true.  True beyond measure.

But what, really, is faith?

Is faith in Him, mustering up the full strength of my own ability to believe in the things of G_d?  


Or, is faith rather the profound acquiescence to the truth that G_d is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do?

Surely, our faith cannot depend on our ability to believe or even continually maintain our trust in Him.  Even the most stalwart believer, will have times (often extended) where they have a hard time seeing that things are happening the way they hoped they would.

Even more surely, then, faith must be a full yielding to the reality of Who G_d is.  It is a reckoning (like reconciling a checkbook) that G_d is – at the very least – True, Faithful, Loving, Good, Able, and Unchanging.

It is only when we allow for this reality in our lives that real faith begins to work in our lives.  Self-mustered faith is a miserable replica for resting in the One who is ever-faithful Himself.  

This resting in and on G_d is the faith of Scriptures.   It is the only faith that pleases G_d, because – quite frankly – any efforts we undertake in our own strength to reach an unreachable G_d are a personal affront to His holiness.  Self-motivated faith brings Him none of the glory He alone is due.

All this is really good news though!  The whole idea of faith in G_d becomes an easy and light burden for us to bear.  We are simply to rest in the hands and plans of SomeOne that simply is not going to ever mess things up.  And as we rest in Him, His power and goodness flows into us and through us and out of the deepest parts of us – into the world and onto others around us.

Faith is a reasoning trust, a trust which reckons thoughtfully and confidently upon the trustworthiness of God. 
~John R. W. Stott (1921- )