Category: strength
Christ above me, very God of very God,Christ below me, incarnate of the dust,Christ at my right hand in my strength,Christ at my left hand in my weakness,Christ before …
The Enlightenment turned away from truth and toward a darkling weakening horizon, sad and grey to see. The afterglow of Christianity is near gone now and a stygian silence …
There was a certain man there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus noticed him lying there , knowing that he had been in that condition a …
It is the moment that absolutely will happen with any cross-cultural worker, educator or missionary...
A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.~Jordan Peterson O LORD, I have heard the …
Hans Urs von Balthasar said it best: we do not live in an ego-drama. We live in a Theo-drama. Life does not work any other way.
In the Name of Jesus, I prohibit the spiritual powers assigned to me to hinder my family. I arrest them in the Name of Jesus and legally declare that …
An honorable man restores the dignity of others. ~Anonymous You shall therefore lay up these words of Mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind …