Category: peace
Christ takes the lowest place, and is exalted to the highest place. He is not attached to earthly things, and therefore enjoys all things. He empties Himself, and is …
Jesus did not come from heaven to earth just to get us out of hell and into heaven — though He is the only One Who can do that. …
(Latin: If you want peace, prepare for war) We live in a culture that, as Cardinal Francis George said, “permits everything and yet forgives nothing.” And so people despair …
I charge you never to give up the old doctrine of the blood of Christ, the complete satisfaction which that atoning blood made for sin, and the impossibility of …
Better to be a Warrior in a Garden that a Gardener in a War. ~ Sun Tzu And David said to the men who stood by him, “What shall …
There’s an important difference between giving up and letting go. ~ Jessica Hatchigan And Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. The LORD …
The practical thing to do since God is our Fortress and our High Tower is to surrender by faith to put ourselves and all our interests into this divine …
As his child, you are entitled to his kingdom, the warmth, the peace, and the power of his presence, the wisdom, the insight, and the guidance of his Spirit, …