Category: Now
If you… begin to find that the Holy Spirit is scrutinizing you, let his searchlight go straight down, and he will not only search you, he will put everything …
Our hearts are restless until they rest in You.~ St. Augustine of HippoOh that you were like a Brother to me who nursed at my mother’s breasts! If I found …
Leave to thy God to order and provide;In every change he faithful will remain.Be still, my soul; Thy best, thy heavenly FriendThrough thorny ways leads to a joyful end.~Katharina …
To be a mystic is simply to participate here and now in that real and eternal life in the fullest deepest sense which is possible to man.~Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)I …
A re-post celebrating the Home-going of my sister this week… Faraday, when asked by Acland his conception of after-death consciousness, cried out, “I shall see Him, and that will be …
Let God do His work in you, and concentrate on living, without reservation, a selfless life in each and every moment as though each moment was the whole of …
My Dear Brother, Laying aside the possibility that you are enjoying the wonders of having gone stark raving mad, I would surmise that you have come to understand that …
This re-post is to honor PFC Andrew Timothy Morrison – who is growing into the likeness of his name. He is a manly warrior that honors God. He is a soldier and …