Category: Identity
God is our true Friend, who always gives us the counsel and comfort we need. Our danger lies in resisting Him; so it is essential that we acquire the …
When we are speaking the truth in love, we are not putting someone down nicely—we are elevating someone brilliantly. We are saying to people, “You don’t need to be …
One great tragedy of our existence is that often, the Devil, the liar, the Satan, the divider believes more in our identity in Christ Jesus than we do. ~ …
The truth that we are kings and queens in Christ is not some idea conjured up to boost our self-esteem but a present reality that we will enjoy in …
I have always been filled with the fires of the love of a God not old, and now to this has been joined the passion of the love of …
You can’t have any negative terminology about yourself. It’s not allowed! All negativity died on the Cross. It doesn’t belong in your life, and you get to have the …
While the impostor draws his identity from past achievements and the adulation of others, the true self claims identity in its belovedness. We encounter God in the ordinariness of …
If thou intend not nor seek nothing else but the pleasing of God and the profit of thy neighbor thou shalt have inward liberty. ~Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471) …