Category: featured
You have established a new relationship with the powers of darkness. Whatever you were before you were a Christian… you are now a sworn foe of the legions of …
If you… begin to find that the Holy Spirit is scrutinizing you, let his searchlight go straight down, and he will not only search you, he will put everything …
“Anything, Anytime, Anywhere – Bar Nothing”~ Slogan of the 39th Infantry Regiment, US ARMY You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and …
A re-post on Providence… This blogger is looking forward to More and enjoying what He is already Providing…The ways of Providence cannot be reasoned out by the finite mind. …
One of the greatest attractions of Christianity to me is its sheer absurdity. I love all those crazy sayings in the New Testament—which, incidentally, turn out to be literally …
We all know of Christians who say that they have never doubted. Their lives seem so pale, so far off from the heroic adventure that is faith. The most …
As his child, you are entitled to his kingdom, the warmth, the peace, and the power of his presence, the wisdom, the insight, and the guidance of his Spirit, …
We have not to do with a God who is off there above the sky, who can deal with us only through the violation of physical law. We have …