Author: Makala Doulos
Heaven is not a resting place, where men may sleep out an eternity; there they rest not day nor night, but their work is their rest and continual recreation, …
It is compassion that removes the heavy bar, opens the door to freedom, makes the narrow heart as wide as the world. Compassion takes away from the heart the …
See, Christianity is not a philosophy primarily. Christianity is a relationship to this Jesus. Which is why the renewal of the Church, though it has an institutional dimension; though …
In what strange quarries and stoneyards the stones for the celestial wall are being hewn! Out of the hillsides of humiliated pride; deep in the darkness of crushed despair; …
Incurvatus in se (Latin for Turned/curved inward on oneself. St. Augustine’s definition of sin.) Sin is, in truth, the hardest of all masters. In its service there is plenty …
Whenever our Lord talked about the relation of a disciple to Himself it was in terms of mystical union: “I am the vine , ye are the branches.” We …
The Bible is a weird book. There, I’ve got that on tape now! It is though. And I mean that as high praise! … Be patient, I tell preachers. …
A good way to avoid the snare of empty religious activity is to appear before God every once in a while with our Bibles open to the thirteenth chapter of first …