Author: Makala Doulos
Our great High Priest is in glory, exalted above all created angels. But he is the same Jesus we knew in the days of his flesh. He is the …
Don’t trust to hold God’s hand; let Him hold yours. Let Him do the holding, and you the trusting. ~Hammer William Webb-Peploe No soul can be really at rest until …
What a book! Great and wide as the world, rooted in the abysmal depths of creation and rising aloft into the blue mysteries of heaven. Sunrise and sunset, promise …
There will be times where you simply know you can and must stand in faith. When they occur, stand. The whole world may come down around your ears. You …
Faith and sight are set in opposition to each other in Scripture, but not faith and reason…. True faith is essentially reasonable because it trusts in the character and …
Let God do His work in you, and concentrate on living, without reservation, a selfless life in each and every moment as though each moment was the whole of …
What are you waiting for? You’re faster than this. Don’t think you are, know you are. Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me. ~ Morpheus to Neo, …
In a dream I walked with God through the deep places of creation; past walls that receded and gates that opened, through hall after hall of silence, darkness, and …