Author: Makala Doulos
The Crucifixion, however else we may interpret it, accuses human nature, accuses all of us in the very things that we think are our righteousness…. Our attitude to the …
He who has not believed will not experience, and he who has not experienced will not understand; for just as experiencing a thing is better than hearing about it, …
By Allison Bown… Every journey has those times when the lights seem to go out. We have a sense of the space around us, but the details of “when”, …
God is more real to me than any thought or thing or person. I feel him in the sunshine or rain; and all mingled with a delicious restfulness most …
One of the greatest attractions of Christianity to me is its sheer absurdity. I love all those crazy sayings in the New Testament—which, incidentally, turn out to be literally …
Only in seeing ourselves as both completely full in Him and, totally desperate for more of Him, can we find the beginning of the infiniteness of our relationship with …
The devil never sleeps, and your flesh is very much alive. Prepare yourself for battle. Surrounding you are enemies that never rest.~Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471) It is for …
The whole history of the world is discovered to be but a contest between the wisdom of God and the cunning of Satan and fallen men. The outcome of …