Impossible Love

Let Love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor…
~ Paul, The Least of The Apostles, in Romans 12

Oh beloved, we think we know what Love is. Really though, we don’t have a clue. Sometimes our view is foolish in its shortsightedness. Once in a while, we get to a peak in our climb, but as we peer over what we think is the summit – our jaws drop as we see a whole new range, climbing up and away into an infinite sky.

But, mostly, the hard work of love is not when we are in the throes of amazement. It is when we are bored with the rhythm. Love is much harder than the wonderful feelings that inform us of its initial presence.

Love abhors evil, and is only Good.

Love has affection for everyone.

Love helps others get a better view.

Love rejoices in hope.

Love is patient when things get hard.

Love keeps praying when no answer is in sight.

Love blesses the guy who just criticized you.

Love cries with the loser you hoped would go down.

Love never gives anyone what they deserve; it only seeks their good.

Love seeks the common ground of peace.

Love feeds the wicked, and gives a drink to his friends.

Love even warms the head and bosom of a hater who has hurt you.

Impossible? Exactly. But don’t forget where Love comes from. Love comes from Love Themselves. The Triune Mystery has been in Loving Communion, forever.

So, yes, it is quite impossible for us to truly Love one another. That is, unless we too have been invaded by The Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Heavenly Father. Only then that we can even begin to take on the behavior and heart of The God Who Is Love.

So, are you having trouble loving people around you? EXCELLENT! You pass the test. You are NOT God. Well done. However, this same Triune Godhead is ready to show this Love TO you, and THROUGH you, to others.

Will you let Him? He will show you the way towards the next peak!

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