The life you live can outlive you. What matters in life is not what you accomplish or accumulate but rather what remains for all of time. Today, you may live in this world, but your life yearns for a different one. With eternity placed in your heart, only the eternal will bring you satisfaction. The single, most significant thing you can do is whatever Jesus asks of you in this moment.
~David Stephens
There is an illusion in our lives beloved.
Even on the other side of incredible stress, when things seem to be coming together after great change and upheaval and difficulty. And just when things seem to be getting easier, and we begin to think that we have begun to get our hands around a situation – it is vital for us to remember one thing: a human being is unable to live life on one’s own.
And this is the great condescension of the walk of a true believer. We are exceeding failures. We are wretched beings who cannot even do the things that we want to do. Oh my… Yeah, this is a painful state of affairs. So humiliating! Or is it? What if there was a way?
Surely there is.
What do we do? Nothing.
Yes. Nothing.
Well, there is one thing. We are to quit spinning our own wheels, and give up trying to fix the problems of our lives on our own. We must completely change our minds about how things are going to get done. We must repent of the idea that we can make our lives work by any level or quality of our own effort.
Can we see it? Life is not difficult. Life is impossible. Apart from the Infinite Assistance of the One who wrote the whole thing, life cannot work. There is no sliding scale here. There is no: “god helps those who help themselves.” There is only: “blessed are the poor in spirit.”
But, dear believer, there is a glorious upside to this whole scenario! On the other side of abject failure is absolutely overcoming victory. For on the other side of an infinitely difficult problem is only infinite success. In Him we Live and move and have our being.
And once we begin to yield to this truth, an amazing thing begins to happen. In the heaviest of seas and gales and fires and floods and torrents we stand firm – and even begin to move forward as our feet gain purchase on the Solid Rock on which we stand. In Him, nothing is impossible.
Oh friends, we have heard messages like this before. May we all, though, tonight simply come to the conclusion that these messages are true. And in being persuaded, might we simply stop doing anything and begin doing nothing that would get in the way of His great and able power to work in and through our lives.