Beautiful Immutability

Consider what thou owest to His immutability.

Though thou hast changed a thousand times,
He has not changed once;
though thou hast shifted thy intentions, and thy will,
yet He has not once swerved from His eternal purpose,
but still has held thee fast.
C.H. Spurgeon

Classroom Definition of Immutability:
  • In Christian theology the idea of God’s immutability is essentially tied to God’s eternality. God, being outside of time (trans-temporal), does not change, because He is not affected by time, which is the agent of change in a temporal universe. (from Wikipedia)

Simple Definition of Immutability:
  • G_d does not change, no matter what, not ever.

Life Application:


The key to all this is profound, but actually quite simple (as profound things often are).   All the Attributes that don’t change about G_d are the way they are – because He Is them.  Just one example will suffice here:  G_d is Love.  He does not exude love (even though that would be really great!).  He Is Love itself, and He is Eternal.  He is “Ever-Love” (not just ever-loving). His Being IS Love. He is not just “in love” with us. We are indeed IN His Love.   See the post Not A Thing for more.

• He always Is. 

  • Infinite Eternity is a mere compression of the “now” of His “Is.”  We “are” within His “I Am-ness.”  (oh man, words just don’t cut it here!)

• His Holiness ever remains purity itself.
• Everything He ever says is always true.
• He is Love and never fails to Love. 
• His Goodness never spoils.
• His Justice is never inequity.
• His Wisdom is never foolishness.
• His mood is always on keel.
• He Is Infinitely without limit (what?!?)
• He Is always able in all ways.
• He Is never not there.
• He “gets” everything.
• Aye, He knows.
• He never morphs or changes density.
• He only ever needs nothing.
• He Is not ever matter, thus does not decay.
• He Is Good and purely Good forever.
• He Is Grace and ever abundantly graceful.
• He Is Mercy and Merciful always.
• He Is always in control.
• He Is never under compulsion, He always does His will.
• He always gets (and deserves) the credit for who He Is.

Oh beloved! How absolutely ultra-everything-positive this is for us.  We live and move and have our being within Him.  We exist within a framework that is absolutely good and DOES NOT CHANGE.  Awake friends.  This is indeed a beautiful morning to behold.

Starting to get a sense of who G_d is?  Think maybe His ways are better than ours?  Ya think? 

What if we totally threw out our own ideas of how we should build our own existence and simply lived in Him?  What if we just allowed our spirit to live by, flow in, and conform to the actual Superstructure of the Universe? 

Surely there is no other way to live.  This abandoned life is the only reasonable response to such a wonderful Reality.

Great is Thy faithfulness
O God, my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not
Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been,
Thou forever wilt be.
~Thomas O. Chisholm, William M. Runyan

>>>References for G_d’s immutability: Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29; Psalm 102:26; Malachi 3:6; 2 Timothy 2:13; Hebrews 6:17-18; James 1:17

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