Axiom: It is All About Him

“Lord, how great is our dilemma!
In Thy Presence silence best becomes us,
but love inflames our hearts and constrains us to speak. 
Were we to hold our peace the stones would cry out;
yet if we speak, what shall we say?
Teach us to know that we cannot know,
for the things of God knoweth no man,
but the Spirit of God.
Let faith support us where reason fails,
and we shall think because we believe,
not in order that we may believe.”
A.W. Tozer

About Who?

Actually… Before We Begin: What i mean by G_d *… Going forward, when i refer to G_d in these letters, i am reverently speaking of the Maker of the Universe, the G_d of the Bible (Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One!); the One who revealed Himself historically and literally to Moses at the burning bush as I AM (In the Hebrew: היה ) His name is (again, I say it most respectfully): the LORD (יהוה ) or transliterated as the tetragrammaton YHWH (sometimes Yahweh), The existing One.  

This is not to complicate the issue.  Rather it is to clarify that the G_d of whom i speak is not just a god as I understand him, but rather the G_d who has revealed Himself in all of Scripture and His creation.

He is:  Is  

He is all.  No limits.  Neither is He constrained by the mere construct of existence.  Existence flows from Who He Is.  Eternity and Infinity are simple concepts from within His Own Self into which He has enfolded Himself; and that only for the purpose of interface with His creation.

If we even get the slightest understanding here, we quickly begin to realize that NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.  All other concerns, even hugely important ones like:  Heaven, Hell and everything in between, simply pale in comparison.   IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM.

ALL glory, honor, power, riches, dominion, wisdom and strength to Him who was, and is, and is to come.  Bow, at least in your heart beloved, if not physically.  Do it now.  Millions of Millions of timeless super, mega and ultra-beings have the privilege (and good sense) to dwell in the courts of this One who Is, and to bow before Him in ever-unfolding worship.

We live Semper coram Deo et soli Deo Gloria!  (We live ever before His face, under His sovereignty and for His glory alone!).

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