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What I Learned about God, the First Fifty Years - Warrior of The Presence

What I Learned about God, the First Fifty Years

Post 2 of 2 from a fellow-laborer in the fields…  Check out Anne Lang Bundy’s blog: http://building-his-body.blogspot.com/

For my birthday last week, I shared a handful of the things I’ve learned about life. (Thank you to my readers for all the nice comments and tweets.) More important, this week, are just a few of the things I’ve learned about God, in roughly the order He revealed them to me.

Jesus is living God, to be worshiped for Who He is.

The more you look closely at nature, the more certain you are there’s a Creator.

If you reach out for God when you’re really scared, He reaches back.

You can only believe what other people tell you about God if it’s backed up by what God says about Himself.

You cannot know God apart from truth. Pure truth has a quality that facts alone can never touch.

Hell is horrific and I belong there. Jesus loves me and He died so I can stay with Him instead.

You can’t have all of God until you give Him all of you.

When God’s Spirit moves in, sin needs to move out.

God can play a fierce game of Hide & Seek, but He loves to be found.

God is God, and He must be met on His terms, not ours.

When you seek God first, you receive blessings you’d given up on.

My best ideas are garbage unless they’re part of God’s plan.

God never intended for any of us to go it alone. We really do need one another.

God cares passionately about what we think of His Son.

God has a tender spot for the people who love His Son.

God’s not particularly interested in making us comfortable.

Be very careful about what you pray for. God has an outrageous sense of humor.

Always pray for others what you’d want them to pray for you.

God repays good for good generously and bad for bad mercifully.

When we think we’re waiting for God to move, He’s probably waiting for us to move.

Don’t ask God for new instructions until you’ve followed the last ones He gave.

God does not change and His feet do not move. But prayer can move the arm of God, the face of God, and the heart of God.

God has great compassion for the sorrowful heart turned toward Him.

God has little tolerance for whining when He’s been so good to us.

Sometimes, God is only waiting for us to ask.

God can and does speak to those who know His voice.

God has no condemnation for His children, only discipline.

When we think we can’t endure another moment of pain, God knows how far to stretch us.

If you seek blessings before seeking Blessor, you’re sure to be disappointed.

God is seriously in love with His people.

God is too great to ever be understood by mortals.

God loves us too much to let us understand too little of Him.

We won’t get tired of an eternity with God.

No matter what else or who else you think you need, God really is enough.

God never gives up on those in whom He’s taken up residence.

Thus says the LORD:
“Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool.
Where is the house that you will build Me?
And where is the place of My rest?
For all those things My hand has made,
And all those things exist,”
Says the LORD.
“But this one will I regard:
The one who is afflicted and of a smitten spirit,
And who trembles at My word.”
~ Isaiah 66:1-2

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