Early And Often (As In Without Ceasing)

As artists give themselves to their models, and poets to their classical pursuits, so must we addict ourselves to prayer.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892)

An intercessor means one who is in such vital contact with God and with his fellowmen that he is like a live wire closing the gap between the saving power of God and the sinful men who have been cut off from that power.
Hannah Hurnard (1905–1990)

Repetition in Scripture is synonymous with importance.  Prayer is mentioned 346 times in the Bible.  Yeah, prayer is vital.

Drapers Book of Christian Quotations has 12,220 quotes covering hundreds of subjects.  But it has 372 of the most-quotable quotes based on prayer and prayers alone.  

One thing…  As you read the following, you may be tempted to see what i write as some sort of self-congratulatory list of things that i DO to empower my own life.  i hope you can avoid this temptation.  What you will see are the emerging practices of a man that now understands he is utterly dependent on God for even his next breath.  To live i must undertake all that i am learning with all earnestness.  i must eat the real food of the Bible, or i will starve.  i must spend time in prayer, in God’s presence, or i will surely look for some other broken path to peace.  Some folks may be able to live life on “cruise control” in their walk with Christ.  And that is OK.  God is so gracious.  But for the addict, the only way to survive and prosper is to approach our life of Faith the same way that we approached our addictions:  over-the-top, pedal-to-the-metal, absolutely surrendered and abandoned to Jesus.  ANY other way is just too risky.  If i go back out – i’m dead.  i’d much rather live in Him and begin the process of reconciliation with my family and friends.  But one last thing… i’m finding that i don’t want to live any other way ever again.  i’m simply having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have.  i’m so happy, joyous and free that any alternative is just too tedious.

So, with all the above said, here goes my take on “how to start the day…”  Ask another guy, and you might get a different answer.

3:05 am (all of you that know me are probably laughing when you see this time… yeah its true, all Glory to God for His Power to Transform.) – About 1/3 of the time, i awaken to the still small voice of God calling me into His presence through prayer.  The remainder of the time i bolt up, quite un-spiritually, to the sound of a very loud alarm clock.  Regardless, i enter into the most important time of my day.  Plain old, down on the floor – on my knees or face – next to my bed prayer.  i simply start listening…  just waiting on God.  Seem like work?  Not.  It’s breathtaking.  i get to just open up and let Him move in and through me (Psalm 16:11).  As a few minutes go by, i ask only that my heartbeat be His heartbeat, my thoughts be His thoughts, my breath His breath, my prayer – His prayer.  i begin to praise and thank Him for who He is and what He has done.  And then as He leads, i move into praying for people and situations.  It is impossible to describe how important this time has become.  He is my dearest friend, and while it is vital for my survival, i ALSO simply desire to spend time with the most wonderful Person in the universe!  This time sets the tone for the rest of the day.  How exciting to wake up with your Best Friend and know that you get to spend the whole day with Him every day!  After 20-30 minutes, i usually go back to sleep and just think about Him and the conversation we just had.

Then, after sleeping a little bit I get up, drink some purified water, and do my early morning devotions.

Then, and only then, is it generally safe to get out of bed and start the day 🙂

Aim the gun before you shoot it!

Pray first, then work.

How did Jesus do it?  Early and often:

  • Mark 1:35 Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

Other thoughts from spiritually perceptive friends:

I asked the question:  Why pray?  So what?  They answered beautifully…

We should pray to acknowledge that while God knows what we think, what we need and what we want, prayer gives us a chance to admit we cannot get there without Gods help or intervention, we can organize our thoughts and sometimes realize what we are praying for and what we need simply don’t match…but mostly prayer says that we believe there is power, hope and forgiveness in asking for needs/wishes/desires   KL

I believe that prayer can free God to reveal His power & presence directly into our lives and situations. Prayer is an acknowledgement of His overcoming power. And He commands that we pray without ceasing. Therefore it is an act of obedience that He may bless us.  JC

I would say that it opens up connections to the creator, allows room for a relationship, and i think luke 11 9-12 answers that, “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.  RS

for intimacy with our Lord, for relationship for communion, to speak out loud our petitions,…..  CdJ

When we pray
1. we acknowledge His existence
2. He loves to hear from His children.
3. We have the ability to participate in changing the future in some way.
4. It seems like the natural thing (hard wired in us) and comes out when we are in great need. We just ignore the rest of the time usually.

Adding to that
We are changed when we pray.
Our ability to endure hardship is elevated with an active prayer life.
But answering why we should, I would say because we can!  LL

As in any relationship communication is important, and to know we have a Holy God who desires to hear and speak to us is exciting!
“I love the LORD, because He has heard
My voice and my supplications.
Because He has inclined His ear to me.” Psalm 116:1,2
Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.  RR

To change our heart and align it with God’s heart  JF

To give a very brief one-two sentence answer, “because We’re invited and commanded to pray and we long for connection . . . we want to talk with someone who loves us, about what concerns us . . . therefore He wants to hear from us and we can do so thru prayer.”  MZ

Here’s an idea.  Try getting up early for 30 days and just earnestly praying to G_d and listening to His Voice.   i triple-dog dare you :-)…   See what happens.   I simply guarantee that it will be good.


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